Solomija Buk
- 1996-2001: student, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (magna cum laude) MA in three specialties: "Ukrainian language and literature", "Referent-translator" (English language), "Foreign literature"
Work Experience
- 2004–2006: Assistant Professor, Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics, Lviv University
- 2006–2007: Assistant Professor, Department of General Linguistics, Lviv University
- 2003–2009: Coordinator of the International School of the Humanities in Central-Eastern Europe, Warsaw University
- 2007–2022: Associate Professor (Docent), Department of General Linguistics, Lviv University
- 2022–present: Professor, Department of General Linguistics at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
- "Multilingual texts and discourses in sociocommunics" intercultural dimensions", since 2019
- "Socio-communicative and cognitive aspects of the organization of multilingual discourses", 2016-2018
- "Actual problems of modern discourse", 2013-2015
- “Semantic-pragmatic organization of multilingual discourses”, 2010–2012
- "Semantics and pragmatics in different manifestations of the modern linguistic paradigm", 2005–2009
- Austrian–Ukrainian project Building a balanced text data-bank for the Ukrainian language, a grant from ÖAD (Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research) and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), 2009-2010
Membership in editorial boards of journals and organizations:
- Head of the project group and guarantor of the educational program 035.10 Applied Linguistics. Qualification: Bachelor of Philology. Specialist in applied linguistics, Ukrainian language and literatureExternal link
- Member of the specialized academic council for the defense of dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of sciences in the Ukrainian language and general linguistics, philological sciences at the Ivan Franko National University
- Expert of the IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (XVI CSIT 2021)
- Collection of scientific works Inozemna filologia ('Foreign philology'), Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
- Collection of scientific works Teoriia i praktyka vykladannia ukrainskoi movy yak inozemnoi ('Theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language'); Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, periodical)
- Visnyk Lvivskoho Universytetu. Seriia filolohichna ('Bulletin of Lviv University. Philological series')
- International philological journal Limbaj şi context ('Speech and Context')
Teaching, Publications & Presentations
- Teaching
- Introduction to Applied Linguistics
- Fundamentals of Statistical Linguistics
- General Linguistics
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Academic Writing
- Ukrainian for foreigners
- Foreign Literature
Selected Publications
1. Buk S. N. Velyka proza Ivana Franka: elektronnyi korpus, chastotni slovnyky ta inshi mizhdystsyplinarni konteksty [Long Prose Fiction by Ivan Franko: Electronic Corpus, Frequency Dictionaries, and Other Interdisciplinary Contexts]. Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 2021. 424 p.
2. Buk S. N. Korpusno-leksykohrafichni ta linhvostatystychni vymiry velykoi prozy Ivana Franka: slovnyk i tekst [Corpus lexicographic and linguistic statistical dimensions of Ivan Franko’s long prose fiction: Vocabulary and text]. Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Sciences (Doctor Habilitated) in Philology, specialty 10.02.01 – Ukrainian Language, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Kyiv, 2021. 500 p.
3. Buk S. N. Korpusno-leksykohrafichni ta linhvostatystychni vymiry velykoi prozy Ivana Franka: slovnyk i tekst [Corpus lexicographic and linguistic statistical dimensions of Ivan Franko’s long prose fiction: Vocabulary and text]. Abstract of the thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Sciences (Doctor Habilitated) in Philology, specialty 10.02.01 – Ukrainian Language, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Kyiv, 2021. 500 p.
4. Buk S., Rovenchak A. Sentence lengths in Ukrainian: From words to finite verbs via autosemantics Words and Numbers // In Memory of Peter Grzybek (1957-2019), edited by Emmerich Kelih and Reinhard Köhler, 16–26 (Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag, 2020).
5. Rovenchak A., Buk S. Indigenous African scripts // The Oxford Handbook of African Languages / edited by Rainer Vossen and Gerrit J. Dimmendaal. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. P. 797–812.
6. Buk S. The Epithetization Index in a Work of Fiction (on the basis of the Text Corpus of Ivan Franko’s Long Prose Fiction) // Practical Applications of Linguistic Research / edited by Anna Obrębska. Łódź: Primum Verbum, 2012. P. 73–85.
7. Buk S. Osnovy statystychnoi linhvistyky [Fundamentals of Statistical Linguistics]. Tutorial. Ivan Franko LNU University, 2008. 124 p.
8. Buk S. N. Leksychna osnova ukrainskoi movy: vydilennia ta systemno-strukturna orhanizatsiia [Lexical Base of Ukrainian Language: Selection and System-Structural Organization]. Manuscript. PhD thesis for a degree on the specialty 10.02.01 – Ukrainian Language, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2004. 281 p.
9. Buk S. N. Leksychna osnova ukrainskoi movy: vydilennia ta systemno-strukturna orhanizatsiia [Lexical Base of Ukrainian Language: Selection and System-Structural Organization]. Abstract of the PhD thesis for a degree on the specialty 10.02.01 – Ukrainian Language, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2004. 17 p.Articles
1. Buk S., Rovenchak A. Sіmple defіnіtіon of dіstances between texts from rank–frequency dіstrіbutіons. A case of Ukraіnіan long prose works by Іvan Franko // Glottometrіcs. 2019. No. 46. P. 1–11. (Scopus Q2)
2. Buk S., Rovenchak A. Sentence lengths in Ukrainian: From words to finite verbs via autosemantics Words and Numbers. In Memory of Peter Grzybek (1957-2019), edited by Emmerich Kelih and Reinhard Köhler, 16–26 (Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag, 2020). (Web of Science)
3. Buk S., Krynytskyі Y., Rovenchak A. Propertіes of autosemantіc word networks іn Ukraіnіan texts // Advances іn Complex Systems. 2019. Vol. 22, No. 6. Artіcle 1950016 (22 pages). DOІ: https://doі.org/10.1142/S0219525919500164External link
4. S. Buk, A. A. Rovenchak Simple definition of distances between texts from rank–frequency distributions. A case of Ukrainian long prose works by Ivan Franko // Glottometrics 46, 1-11 (2019)
5. Rovenchak A., Buk S. Part-of-speech sequences іn lіterary text: Evіdence from Ukraіnіan // Journal of Quantіtatіve Lіnguіstіcs. 2018. Vol. 25, No. 1. P. 1–21. DOІ: https: //doі.org/10.1080/09296174.2017.1324601
6. Buk S. The architecture of the Polish-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Polish parallel corpus of self-translations by Ivan Franko [Arkhitektura polsko-ukrainskoho ta ukrainsko-polskoho paralelnoho korpusu avtoperekladiv Ivana Franka] // Slavіa Orіentalіs. 2012. T. LXІ, Nr 2. S. 213–230.
7. Buk S., Rovenchak A. Masadennin (The Little Prince in Bamana): Experimental online concordance with parallel French and English texts // Mandenkan, 2012. 12 p.
8. Rovenchak, A., Buk, S. Defining thermodynamic parameters for texts from word rank-frequency distributions // Journal of Physical Studies, 2011, 15(1). P. 1005-1-1005-4.
9. Rovenchak A., Buk S. Application of a quantum ensemble model to linguistic analysis // Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2011, 390(7), pp. 1326–1331.
10. Buk S. Lexical base as a compressed language model of the world (on material from the Ukrainian language) // Psychology of Language and Communication, 2009, 13(2), pp. 35–44.
11. S. Buk, A. A. Rovenchak Menzerath–Altmann law for syntactic structures in Ukrainian // Glottotheory 1, No. 1, 10-17 (2008)
12. S. Buk, J. Mačutek, A. A. Rovenchak Some properties of the Ukrainian writing system // Glottometrics 16, 63-79 (2008)
13. Buk S., Rovenchak A. Statіstіcal Parameters of Іvan Franko’s Novel Perekhresnі stežky (The Cross-Paths) // Quantіtatіve Lіnguіstіcs. Vol. 62: Exact Methods іn the Study of Language and Text. Berlіn ; New York, 2007. P. 39–48. 11 p. DOІ: https://doі.org/10.1515/9783110894219.39External link
14. Buk S. N., Rovenchak A. A. Rank-frequency analysis for functional style corpora of Ukrainian // Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 2004, 11(3), pp. 161–171.
15. Buk S. The Richness of Ivan Franko's Language: A Case of the Long Prose Fiction [Bahatstvo movy Ivana Franka: pryklad velykoi prozy] // Linguistic Studies [Linhvistychni studii]. 2022. 43. P. 122–129.
16. Babeljuk O. A., Buk S. N. COVID-19 Metaphors in English and Ukrainian Media Discourse: Cognitive and Discoursive Approaches [Metafory na poznachennia yavyshch COVID-19 v anhlomovnomu ta ukrainskomovnomu mediadyskursi: kohnityvno-dyskursyvnyi aspekt] // New Philology. Collection of scientific works [Nova filolohiia. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats]. No. 85. Zaporizhzhia: "Helvetika" Publishing House, 2022. P. 14–21.
17. Buk S. "Petrii and Dovbuschuky" in a quantitative comparison with Ivan Franko's long prose fiction [«Petrii y Dovbushchuky» u kvantytatyvnomu zistavlenni z velykoiu prozoiu Ivana Franka] // Linguistic and conceptual pictures of the world [Movni ta kontseptualni kartyny svitu]. 2022. 2 (72). С. 7–21.
18. Rovenchak A., Buk S. Quantum distributions and research of texts: temperature and literature [Kvantovi rozpodily i doslidzhennia tekstiv: temperatura ta literature] // Modern Ukraine [Ukraina moderna] 2019. Chyslo 27. Verba et numerі (Quantitative approach to language and text analysis [Kilkisni pidkhody do analizu movy i tekstu]). P. 29–45.
19. Buk S. Dіstіnguіshіng Quantіtatіve Parameters of Author’s Language and Style (A Case of Іvan Franko Long Prose Fіctіon) [Rozrizniuvalni kvantytatyvni parametry avtorskoi movyta styliu (na materiali velykoi prozy Ivana Franka)] // Visnyk Lvivskoho Universytetu. Seriia filolohichna [Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology]. № 70 (2019). Vypusk 70. C. 299.
20. Buk S., Rovenchak A. Probing the “Temperature” Approach on Ukrainian Texts: Long-prose Fiction by Ivan Franko // Studies in Quantitative linguistics 23: Issues in Quantitative Linguistics 4, edited by E. Kelih, R. Knight, J. Mačutek, A. Wilson, 160–175 (Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag, 2016).
21. Buk S. Quantitative analysis of the novel Ne Spytavšy Brodu by Ivan Franko in the Light of Statistical and Quantitative Linguistics // Speech and context. International Journal of Linguistics, Semiotics, and Literary Science 1(VI) 2014. P. 100–112.
22. Buk S., Kelih E., Rovenchak A. Analysing h-point in lemmatised and non-lemmatised texts // Studies in Quantitative Linguistics 17: Empirical Approaches to Text and Language Analysis; dedicated to Luděk Hřebiček on the occasion of his 80thbirthday / Ed. by G. Altmann, R. Čech, J. Mačutek, L. Uhlířová. Lüdenscheid: RAM-Verlag, 2014. P. 81–93.
23. Buk S. Quantitative parameterization of Ivan Franko's texts: project and its implementation [Kvantytatyvna parametryzatsiia tekstiv Ivana Franka : proekt ta yoho realizatsiia] // Visnyk Lvivskoho Universytetu. Seriia filolohichna [Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology]. 2013. Issue 58. P. 290–307.
24. Buk S. N. The proper names space of the novel "Crosspaths" by Ivan Franko [Onimnyi prostir romanu Ivana Franka “Perekhresni stezhky”] // Λογος όνομαστική. 2012. № 4. P. 68–76.
25. Buk S., Kundys L. Porivnialna kharakterystyka ispanskykh ta ukrainskykh tekstovykh korpusiv [Comparative characteristics of Spanish and Ukrainian text corpora] // Problemy i proektsii suchasnoho ukrainskoho movnoho i literaturnoho protsesu: Zb. nauk. prats I Mizhnarodnoi studentskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii [Problems and projections of the modern Ukrainian linguistic and literary process: Collection. of science Proceedings of the 1st International Student Scientific and Practical Conference] / Vidp. red. M. L. Druzhynets. Tyraspol. 2012 P. 39-42.
26. Buk S., Rovenchak A. Corpus of Texts in Indigenous African Scripts // Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of African Linguistics, Cologne 2009 / ed. by M. Brenzinger & A.-M. Fehn. Cologne: Köppe Verlag, 2012. P. 651-658.
27. Buk S. N. Kilkisne zistavlennia tekstiv (na materiali redaktsii 1884 ta 1907 rokiv povisti Ivana Franka “Boa constrictor”) [Quantitative Comparison of Texts (Case of the Editions 1884 and 1907 of the Novel "Boa constrictor" by Ivan Franko)] // Ukrainske literaturoznavstvo [Ukrainian Literary Studies]. 2012. Issue 76. P. 179–192.
28. Buk S. N. Korpus tekstiv u linhvodydaktytsi (na materiali omonimii u korpusi velykoi prozy Ivana Franka) [Text Corpus in Language Learning (on the Material of Homonymy in the Text Corpus of the Long Prose Fiction by Ivan Franko)] // Visnyk Lvivskoho Universytetu. Seriia filolohichna [Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology]. 2012. Вип. 57. С. 106-116.
29. Buk S. N. Modern Techniques for studying Writer’s Laguage in Slavic Linguistics [Suchasni metody doslidzhennia movy pysmennyka u slovianoznavstvi] // Probl. Slavonic Stud. [Problemy slovianoznavstva]. 2012. Vol. 61. P. 86-95. DOI: External link
30. Buk S. Writer's Dictionaries of the Ukrainian Language [Pysmennytski slovnyky ukrainskoi movy] // Ukrainian Language and Literature in Secondary Schools, Gymnasiums, Lyceums and Collegiums [Ukrainska mova y literatura v serednikh shkolakh, himnaziiakh, litseiakh ta kolehiumakh]. 2011. №6(105). P. 109-119. 31. Buk S. The Novel "For the Hearth" by Ivan Franko Through the Prism of a Frequency Dictionary [Roman Ivana Franka “Dlia domashnoho ohnyshcha” kriz pryzmu chastotnoho slovnyka] // Movoznavstvo [Linguistics].2011. No.4. С. 56-66.
32. Buk S. Parts of Speech in Ivan Franko's Vocabulary and Text (Case of Long Prose Fiction) [Chastyny movy u slovnyku i teksti Ivana Franka (na materiali velykoi prozy)] // Linguistic Studies [Linhvistychni studii]. 2011. 22. P. 62-66.
33. Buk S. Direct and Author’s Speech of the Long Prose Fiction by Ivan Franko: a Linguostastistical Study in the Context of Corpus Linguistics [Priama y avtorska mova velykoi prozy Ivana Franka: linhvostatystychne doslidzhennia u konteksti korpusnoi linhvistyky] // Visnyk Lvivskoho Universytetu. Seriia filolohichna [Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology]. Issue 52. 2011. P. 199-209.
34. Buk S. Slavic Experience of Compiling a Frequency Dictionary of Writer’s Language [Slovianskyi dosvid ukladannia chastotnykh slovnykiv movy pysmennyka] // Probl. Slavonic Stud. [Problemy slovianoznavstva]. 2011. Vol. 60. P. 217–224.
35. Buk S. Linguostatistic Description of the “Ne Spytavshy Brodu” ("Without Asking" a Wade) by Ivan Franko [Linhvostatystychnyi opys “Ne spytavshy brodu” Ivana Franka] // Visnyk Lvivskoho Universytetu. Seriia filolohichna [Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology]. 2011. Issue 55. P. 230–242.Dictionaries
10. Buk Solomija (with coothers). Frequency Dictionary. Vol. 9: UKR Ukrainian Language/ Solomija Buk, Dirk Goldhahn, Uwe Quasthoff. University of Leipzig, 2016. 117 p.
11. Buk S. Chastotnyi slovnyk povisti Ivana Franka “Boa constrictor” [Frequency dictionary of Ivan Franko's novel "Boa constrictor"] // Stezhkamy Frankovoho tekstu [Paths of the Frankish text] Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2013. C. 202–501.
12. Buk S. Chastotnyi slovnyk romanu Ivana Franka “Osnovy suspilnosti” : Interpretatsiia tvoru kriz pryzmu statystychnoi leksykohrafii [Frequency dictionary of Ivan Franko's novel "Pillars of Society": Interpretation of the work through the prism of statistical lexicography]. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2012. 264 p.
13. Buk S., Rovanchak A. Chastotnyi slovnyk romanu Ivana Franka “Perekhresni stezhky” [Frequency dictionary of Ivan Franko's novel "Cross paths"] // Stezhkamy Frankovoho tekstu (komunikatyvni, stylistychni ta leksychni vymiru romanu “Perekhresni stezhky”) [Paths of Franko's text (communicative, stylistic and lexical dimensions of the novel "Cross paths")]. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2007. P. 138-369.
14. Buk S. 3 000 naichastotnishykh sliv naukovoho styliu suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy [3,000 most frequent words of the scientific style of the modern Ukrainian language]. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2006. 192 s.
15. Buk S. 3 000 naichastotnishykh sliv rozmovno-pobutovoho styliu suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy [3,000 most frequent words of the colloquial style of the modern Ukrainian language]. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2006. 180 s.
16. Buk S., Rovenchak A. On-line konkordans romanu Ivana Franka “Perekhresni stezhky” [On-line concordance of Ivan Franko's novel "Cross paths"].